Thursday, January 21, 2010

Happy Thursday

If you know someone who takes way too much time to complete a task, you might say.......

He'd be the right feller to send to the doctor if the devil was sick.

I bet we all know someone who matches this saying! 

Today was miniature club.  We made totebag favors for State Day today and Jeanette passed out the kits to make the bed for our room box.  So, I've got some sanding and staining to do. 

Not much else to report--- have a class at work all day tomorrow.  We are going out to eat Saturday night with some neighbors to a Czech restaurant in Cary.  I'll be sure to give a review. 

Hoping to get some organinzing started around here this weekend-- oh, where to start?????????

Gonna make it an early night.......later.....

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